Monday, May 28, 2007

Even more rain!

Sometime last week there wound up being 2 inches of rain in the rain gauge. And today, I got back from a 3 day weekend and there were three inches of rain in the gauge!!! There was water standing everywhere so I think most of it came today. Things are lush and green.

My rain barrel is full again from the roof runoff. I poured some vegetable oil in it the last time to keep the mosquitoes from breeding and it seemed to work so I'm going to do that again.

The hummingbirds are hanging around. I wonder if they are the same ones from last year. I made them some fresh sugar water tonight. I plan to plant more flowers for them.

I've been reading a bit about butterflies and have plans for some flowers and bushes they like. Lots to do around the farm in the next few weeks.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

more rain and more beetles

Sometime last week we got another inch of rain. Also, the Colorado potato beetles came back. I have picked them off by hand and put them in soapy water, mostly in hopes that they will not get into the ground and attack the next thing I plant there. I've read they like tomatoes, too.

I'm going to dig up the potatoes in the next few days. Maybe I'll get some tubers out of it after all.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Rain and potato beetles, May 2007

What a difference this spring is from last! In the past two or three days we have had 4.7 inches of rain by my rain gauge. I wish I had somewhere to store it for later when we need it. My huge rain barrel filled up yesterday before the second wave of rain hit then. Last night it was torrential again.

I found Colorado potato beetles on my potato foliage. Most were in the larval stage. I saw only one adult. I was so upset that I knocked all of them off by hand and then squished as many as I could. It grossed me out but what's a gardener to do? Then I came in and looked them up in a book I had to find out what they were. It had no pictures so I went online and found them. Evidently, they are very resistant to poisons so it's just as well I won't use them. I can see how a farmer would be desperate, though. Anyway, I hope the tubers make it.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Painted Bunting 2007

Today I was sitting on the porch and saw a movement in my right peripheral vision. I looked and there, not 20 feet away, sat a male painted bunting. I almost fainted but instead got still and awestruck. He sat there several seconds and then flew to the feeding tree. He sat there several more seconds and then flew off playfully with a drab, reddish brown bird. Perhaps it was a juvenile since the female counterpart would be green, so who knows?! My first thought was that it was a female cardinal

What a joy and a wonder in my own yard!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

First hummingbird 2007

Today I was hoping and was so happy when the first hummer of the season showed up at the feeder. It was a little boy! The girls are surely not far behind. I made him some fresh sugar water and he came back for a drink. I had put the feeders out a month ago but freezing weather kept them gone, I suppose. PLUS, this is a year and one day later than I saw the first one last year!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

House, before and after porch

Here are the before and after pictures. I finished the project months ago and forgot to post the results. I'm onto other unfinished things now.