Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A Day

A full day so far. I've figured out a few things about this blog thing, painted the front door and a garden chair (red), and waterproofed the outdoor wood furmiture. I dug up my brick walk and used the 6,8,10 rule (or 3,4,5, according to how you look at it) to square off the corners for the new porch which I have been planning for the past few years. I think I'll make it 8x16, a big project, I know, but 12 feet will be right over the pipe to the septic tank.

The coffee I am drinking is exquisite, I like it with cream.

It's harder to write when I imagine someone might read it. I've been to a few blogs today and some people tell too much information. On the other hand, what difference does it make? I can either read it or not. It's different when I'm the one doing the writing, though. I mean, what if I say something I don't mean? Or what if I misspell something? I suppose I can always delete the post.

Also, I did some laundry. Not exciting, I guess, but a satisfactory feeling from it nevertheless.


oklahoma exile said...

you are hilarious. I agree with you. When I figure out how, I will turn off the comment moderation thing. And me, the free speech one!

oklahoma exile said...

Tomorrow I'll stop pretending to be bored. Tonight -- to sleep, perchance to dream....