Saturday, April 15, 2006

To Ferron

Instead of "Thank you for putting your music out and saving my mind and my life" How about:

In the center of the ocean
where no one has been or will be
on all sides deep
there must be little pockets
as in a pair of work jeans
places where necessary things are waiting
just in case
Like a pocket knife
a few coins
or a scrap of paper
maybe a stub of pencil
just in case
someone finally does make it down there

1 comment:

oklahoma exile said...

Well, I wrote it when I joined her mailing list. It was my commentary. When I sent it though, from her web site, I'm not sure it made it because the screen that came up had all this gobblety goop on it (probably html). Plus, I don't think they keep up with her website very well.

I did find an email for her. I think I'll send it there.